Car stickers

Do you need order stickers for your car?
We can help you. Just click on Upload file(s) and upload your files or artwork!
Attention: Maximum Length x Width ( 135 x 2800cm ). Bigger sizes you receive in more slices.

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  • Step 2: please follow steps below

    *Length (30 /1200 cm)

    *WidthLength (30 /295 cm)

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• Printing: latex, single-sided (4/0 full color)
• Suitable for indoor and outdoor
• Lifespan: +/- 3 years without laminate, +/- 5 years with laminate
• Max. width: 151 cm. Max. length: At least 1000 cm, larger dimensions in consultation
• Finishing: Clean cutting, contour cutting
• Applications: Vehicles (but also on all flat surfaces)
• Laminate: Including Orajet® laminate
• Removable: residue-free from almost all surfaces within 3 years.
• We recommend that you always stick this material wet